The creation of beautiful things gives me immense joy! To see the joy in the eyes of the one for whom I was allowed to make something is even better.
Since my training, which I successfully completed in 2013 in Schaffhausen, I work as a goldsmith. A job that motivates me every day! After my training my journey continued to Bern and later to a 5-month language stay in England. Afterwards I moved to Mannheim, where I was allowed to work at herrlichkeiten for four years as a goldsmith - a time that shaped me very positively and encouraged me to take the steps towards independence here in Switzerland.
My thanks belong to God!
Without his guidance in my life, without his grace and promises, I would have not dared to take this step.
The sparrow in my logo is a sign that I depend on His provision.
Matthew 10.29-31 Verkauft man nicht zwei Sperlinge um einen Groschen? Und doch fällt keiner von ihnen auf die Erde ohne euren Vater. Bei euch aber sind selbst die Haare des Hauptes alle gezählt. Darum fürchtet euch nicht! Ihr seid mehr wert als viele Sperlinge.
1. Corinthians 1.30-31 And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”